Tantra massage offer
Tantra massages in our center are a very pleasant relaxing affair. We offer Tantric massages for men, women and couples. Classic Tantra massages, or Tantric massage with double Lingam massage, will enrich you with new experiences in the field of intimacy and sexuality.
Tantra massages for couples are also amazing, where you can draw inspiration for your personal life. At the same time, we offer tantric massage courses for professionals and for home use. Tantric massage is a holistic sensual experience that opens the door to a new dimension of sexuality. It will enrich your life and perfectly relax your body.

Tantra Massages for Men
Tantra massages allow deep relaxation to men. They contain interesting techniques related to pleasure. Also they provide motivation and inspiration on distribution of sexual pleasure all.
Classic Tantra massages
TM with double lingam
TM Multi orgasmic Man
Prostate massage

Tantra Massages for Women
Sensual touching and opening of female body aimed at enjoying pleasure. Women relax through loving and conscious touching. We use the techniques of cherishing of naked body; excitement.
Kashmir tantra massage
Classic tantra massage
Royal Tantra massage
"Litlle" Shakti iniciation massage

Tantra Massages for Couples
Tantra massages for couples can provide an inspiration for your erotic life. We offer a large scale of tantra techniques. A typical changing of various kinds of techniques leads to much pleasure.
Luxury Tantra massage
Classic Tantra massage
Special Tantra massage and therapy

Tantra massages with BDSM elements
Various kinds of tantra massages containing a light BDSM elements. The massages are energizing and playful form of discovering your own body and feelings. We awake excitement and joy of life.

Sexological Bodywork
Sexological work with the body is a somatic education supporting individuals, couples and groups in their intimate life.