Kashmir tantric massage is a wonderful foreplay to a love-making for any pair. It can renew energy in a relationship and inspire anyone. The inspiration itself is to accept the uniqueness of the tantric massage, so we heartily recommend to try it out. Kashmir tantric massage includes also intimate massage of Joni and Lingham.
Kashmiri Tantra massage for women
The duration of the massage is 90 or 120 minutes.
Luxusní rámec masáže v propojení a zachycení na různých částech těla. Doporučujeme vyzkoušet. Silně uvolňující technika, která Vás vede do opojné atmosféry.
Kashmir tantric massage is a wonderful ritual, not only inspiring, but also bringing deep feelings of relaxation. The concept is also called Shiva concept according to the god of Shiva. The massage is done by various parts of body from the start. The positions are a kind of stretching from spine to hips. On the other hand it is relaxing and pleasant so stretching is not exhausting.
The body of a receiver is padded by pillows so that the spine is most relaxed in each position. We use positions on a hip, legs around the partners´ chest, bending and others. The massage also contains a thorough massage of sitting bones, hips and places you can never reach through classical massage.
The massage can also be a good inspiration for a couple´s love life. We recommend it for couples especially. Kashmir tantric massage course, where you learn massaging your partner provides you with new tools to open your partner´s body.