Classic Tantra massage for men
The duration of the massage is 90, 120 or 180 minutes.
Here you will experience the sensitive, loving care of a masseuse, a pleasant alternation of different types of touch and perfect relaxation of the whole body.
The longer version of the massage gives room for a wider range of massage techniques and body work. The final technique is the massage of intimate parts.
Excitement arises here, which we can work with during the massage, for example, by using breathing and visualization. The energy then flows freely from the sex to the whole body, thereby prolonging the excitement and pleasure before the climax.
For men, breathing is essential to help them control their energy, and the experience of massage can be different compared to the normal experience of male sexuality.
The massage can be ended in a tantric way, when there is, for example, an experience of the energetic body. The experience is different and individual every time and there is no pressure to climax.
The massage may or may not end in ejaculation. This massage can be beneficial in its strongly relaxing form to draw in new life force. Massage releases tension that accumulates during the day under the influence of stressful situations.
It can also serve as an example of a different approach to experiencing orgasmic states, which in deeper forms penetrate to experiencing states of inner ecstasy.

Classic Tantra massage for woman
The duration of the massage is 2 hours or 90 minutes.
A woman can choose here whether she wants to receive a massage from a woman or a man.
A woman's body is warmed up and pampered with soft objects. Stroking with furs, feathers, brushes, touching through silk scarves and other pampering are used. The oil part of the massage is very intense and the frame is built in such a way that it opens the inner flute, that is the channel through which energy flows.
Part of the Classic Tantra massage is the Joni (female) massage. Excitement arises here, which we can work with during the massage, for example by breathing. The body feeds on energy and transforms it into vital energy. The goal is then a gentle flow of energy through the body, associated with feelings of "euphoria" (the experience is individual and beyond words). Some women may experience orgasm. The key is a woman's ability to relax into pleasure.
Massage allows women to receive touch even on sex, which is not conditioned by the necessity of orgasm. A loving touch whose purpose is not to take but to give.
Massage can help with mild depression or mood swings. It helps with problems with menstruation or infertility. It helps women in the process of self-acceptance and release into their own sexual expression.

Classic tantra massage for couples
The duration of the massage is 2 hours or 90 minutes.
During a couples massage, you and your partner are massaged in the same room. In a massage, the body is literally pampered. Touches are used through silk scarves, feathers, brushes, furs and other treats.
Then follows a thorough and sophisticated massage of the whole body with warm oil. Massage opens an internal channel through which energy flows. The recipient's ability to relax into the body and allow themselves to experience pleasure can be key.
After the perfect relaxation of the body, a massage of the intimate parts can follow. The massage is conducted in such a way that both partners find themselves in a similar intensity of excitement. If the lovers have a desire to share excitement together as a couple, they have the time and privacy to do so here. Masseurs massage both partners in a similar spirit and thus keep the increased energy flowing. Massage can be an inspiration for partners in their love life.
In massage, you can discover a different approach to sexuality, which clearly contributes to the improvement of the relationship. With massage, you can strengthen each other, gain inner strength and harmonize both body and soul.